“I feel more alive than ever hunkered down in rocky shores while being bombarded by heavy winds and waves while staring up at monstrous mountains in front of me”
In 2016, I regularly hiked in the alpine and got to see some of the most pristine locations on Vancouver Island. When I bought my first camera, my intent was to capture mountains better than my phone camera. In time, I became intrigued by the unique characteristics involved with landscape photography. I started to see that images can be more than just a quick snapshot in time, but a way to express oneself through an image and create an atmosphere of mood and emotion within a photograph. Photography allowed me to connect with people from around the world and create an awesome, like-minded community. However, the greatest benefit of pursuing landscape photography is the opportunity to visit some of the most spectacular places on Earth and see the hand of God work in extortionary ways.
I feel more alive than ever hunkered down in rocky shores while being bombarded by heavy winds and waves while staring up at monstrous mountains in front of me. All the preparation that I do beforehand is justified, however, once the camera is out and the composition refined, I’m in uncharted territory and I have no control over anything. In a world fixated on micromanaging everything, having time in nature where control is obsolete is therapeutic. Landscape photography, in its purest form, is the most humbling experience.